Find out why we are one of the highest-rated dental practices in Southern California.
We take great pride in providing dental procedures of the highest quality. We care about our guests and treat them like we would treat our own families.
Barsoum Dental understands the importance of a well-balanced career and personal life. That’s why we offer highly flexible schedules.
Strong teams are built on strong bonds. Join us for our team building events, such as going to MLB baseball games, movie-night and escape rooms team-building events.
We have two convenient Southern California dental offices located in historic downtown Upland and Chino.
As a dental professional, you know the importance of quality oral care. And as a member of our team you'll recieve deep discounts and flexible scheduling for any treatments conducted in-house.
Barsoum Dental offers a range of competitive benefits to ensure our team members are setup for success and security beyond just their paycheck.
We have immediate openings for Front Office, Dental Hygienist and Registered Dental Assistant but as a fast-growing multi-specialty practice with three locations our team always has room for enthusiastic, authentic and caring staff! We encourage any dental professional to submit a short application for any of the positions below:
Meet some of our wonderful employees at our Upland and Chino Dental offices
We have offices in both Upland, CA and Chino, CA
General Dentist
Barsoum Dental is searching for a caring, knowledgeable, and communicative Dentist who can provide a range of services to our patients.
Barsoum Dental is searching for a caring, knowledgeable, and communicative Periodontist to be responsible for gum-related treatments and procedures.
Oral Surgeon
Barsoum Dental is searching for a caring, knowledgeable, and communicative oral surgeon to perform surgeries on patients who require specialist orofacial procedures.
Barsoum Dental is searching for a caring, knowledgeable, and communicative Orthodontist to perform examinations and fitting patients for dentures, braces, and other orthodontic appliances.
Barsoum Dental is searching for a caring, knowledgeable, and communicative Endodontist to diagnose patients and perform various dental procedures involving the interior of the tooth.
Barsoum Dental is searching for a caring, knowledgeable, and communicative Pedodontist to provide oral care and treatment for children from infancy through their teenage years.
Dental Hygienist
We are looking for a caring, patient, and welcoming hygienist to join our growing team. Our office is an exciting place to work, never boring, with a team of strong, experienced professionals who value teamwork and like to have fun.
Duties and Functions
Dental Assistant/Registered Dental Assistant
Barsoum Dental is currently looking for a part-time Registered Dental Assistant (RDA) or Dental Assistant (DA) to work four days per week in our office.
Duties and Functions
Front Office Treatment Coordinator
Barsoum Dental is seeking a highly professional, skilled and enthusiastic Front Office coordinator for our fun and fast-paced office. The position requirements include the best quality care for our patients with experience in collections, insurance and billing, presenting treatment plans. We are looking for an honest and friendly team player with strong leadership capabilities and the ability to work in our fast-paced office. We invite you to join our team!
Duties and Functions
Specialty Treatment Coordinator
Barsoum Dental is seeking a highly professional, skilled and enthusiastic Front Office coordinator for our fun and fast-paced office. The position requirements include the best quality care for our patients with experience in collections, insurance and billing, presenting treatment plans. We are looking for an honest and friendly team player with strong leadership capabilities and the ability to work in our fast-paced office. We invite you to join our team!
Duties and Functions
Billing/Accounts Receivable
Barsoum Dental is seeking a highly professional, skilled and enthusiastic Front Office coordinator for our fun and fast-paced office. The position requirements include the best quality care for our patients with experience in collections, insurance and billing, presenting treatment plans. We are looking for an honest and friendly team player with strong leadership capabilities and the ability to work in our fast-paced office. We invite you to join our team!
Duties and Functions
Front Office/Receptionist
Barsoum Dental is seeking a highly professional, skilled and enthusiastic Front Office coordinator for our fun and fast-paced office. The position requirements include the best quality care for our patients with experience in collections, insurance and billing, presenting treatment plans. We are looking for an honest and friendly team player with strong leadership capabilities and the ability to work in our fast-paced office. We invite you to join our team!
Duties and Functions